It has been a very busy few weeks for me therefore I have not posted. Last Monday we held a golf outing in memory of my sister but I did get to the planning board meeting by 9:15 - just in time to see Rob outside calling in his article. The meeting in my view was interesting and it was good to see so many people sharing there opinions and concerns about this MEGAproject. I was prepared to address the board, but truth be told happy that I have to wait - I was really tired after getting up at 5AM and running an major event for 109 golfers!
We have statement to present to the board that is not 'emotional' but factual and I would guess that it is going to take me sometime to get through.
I do not know about you all but I found Mr. Jones to be highly insulting of every house of worship in Rockaway Twp. I know many members of the Rockaway Twp community and I find the overwhelming majority to have a 'moral compass' that is of the highest level. It appears that Mr. Jones may have some moral issues of his own but that does not mean his neighbors do.
The factual statements from residents were on target 98% of the time and yes there was a little bit of emotion - as there should be - this is our home.
I enjoyed the message of Dr. Hodes letter to the editor although I think the CC crowd will try to make something out of his chicken and cow statement...even when it is simply a comparison of too many of anything.
I do think I missed a few letters to the editor as I have been running a large meeting that began last Thursday and ran until Sunday. If anyone could fill me in on any I would appreciate it.
Three cheers for Ken at Rockaway Bagel for really making an effort to get signatures to the State and County officials to reject the CC plan! He has thousands of signatures so far!!!
July 10 is the next meeting I hope to see many of you there again it should be a very interesting evening!
Best wishes, Lisa
The truth wins out over slick PR and personal attacks.
The Christ Church Plan for the redevelopment of 140 Green Pond Rd is just too big for the area.