Our home has been on the market for around 6 months now. Three couples have "fallen in love" with it. The first couple visited three times. Then hubby asked what was going in down the end of the street. That was the end of that cople.
The next two couples also loved the house, but somehow did not realize that it is in RT. When they realized that, both couples told their real estate agents not to show them any more homes in RT.
I asked the real estate agents "why not?" The answer from both agens was vague - they just decided that they did not like RT suddenly.
So, something has had an IMPACT on us here. Maybe it will ultimately have an IMPACT on you too.
Does anyone have any idea what it could possibly be?
BTW - we encouraged all three couples to bid on the place even if the bid was a real lowball. No takers.
So, as much as you would like to see us out of here (just as much as we want to get out of here) it is just not happening.
I guess it is no real biggie. We just have our life savings wrapped up in this place in that we own it outright.
It has been on the market for about 7 months now with one particular broker. There had been four couples that expressed some interest during that time interval. Two couples expresed that they had "fallen in love" with the place. All of our customers have disappeared after learning what town this property is actually located, in (the mailing addy is Boonton, not RT) which is a bit misleading.
We are re-listing shortly with another broker. We are researching brokers presently. We do not know if that will help, but we must to do something in a pro-active manner. Our goal is to be out of here by the end of 2006; that is our New Years resolution.
And I just want to say that I can not wait until people like yourself have to deal with the real estate situation in this town as we have had to do. There is only one caveat; I pray that the situation is much worse for you when you have to sell than it has been for us - - - and I guarantee that it will be because you are going to be selling after the church construction has acutally begun!
The joke will be on you; to me it will be the hilarity of watching your lifelong nestegg going down the proverbial toilet. Betcha can't wait. Like any nuclear explosion, they are interesting to watch from a great distance; I am anxious to be in the position to be able to view the fallout from this situation from afar
"You've got as much bitterness inside you as those whom you detest."
Yes, we do.
And someday you will too. It will happen when you must face the bitter reality of the situation and the IMPACT this will have had on the value of your most significant investment.