The topic is a development --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I just wanted to take a moment to review the purpose of VORT. We oppose an application to develop an environmentally sensitive part of Rockaway Twp., specifically 140 Green Pond Rd.
A review of the master plan of the township denotes this portion of town as environmentally sensitive, thereby it is not simply our opinion that it is environmentally sensitive, it is documented fact. This area is predominately “wet lands” and is documented as such in many official documents in the State of NJ.
In addition to our concerns over the environment we are extremely concerned over the traffic impact this project could have on the road ways. The roads in question include – Green Pond Rd., Rt. 80, Morris Ave, Meridian Rd., Old Beach Glenn, Farber Hill, Sanders Rd. and all other road ways within this portion of town. Traffic flow, congestion and safety are the primary concerns we have.
Water is a significant and urgent problem associated with this application for redevelopment. The land is surrounded by very important water ways that move water from one reservoir to another reservoir. These reservoirs provide drinking water to Jersey City, Newark and Kearney. The land also sits on the well fields that provide Rockaway Twp with its drinking water. The addition of 1000 parking spaces will have significant negative impact on the water quality in the rivers and well fields. There are massive environmental concerns with this application. There are MANY issues that the State of NJ is attempting to deal with new legislation that will protect the land, air, and water as well as help to limit urban sprawl. These matters make it very clear that these are STATE WIDE problems that require swift attention in order to protect the land, air and water from further harm.
First aid and safety are of major concern for several reasons. First, the only way to get from the north of town to our local hospital is via Green Pond Rd., a one lane road with no shoulder in many areas. Fire and first aid units will have a difficult time getting in and out of the north end of town with thousands of vehicles on the roads at peek times, which include Sundays but also includes “special events” which can happen at any day or time. Further, the only place we have to land a helicopter in the north section of town is on the 140 Green Pond Rd. Property. A week ago Sunday a man was injured at 7:30am Sunday morning and was flown out from that location. According to the plans submitted by Christ Church the area where the helicopter landed is marked as a “staging area” for construction equipment for the first 2 years that they will occupy the space. Thus it is unclear if there will be a space available to land a helicopter - during testimony by Mr. Ireland this was discussed, yet no changes to the plan were submitted to date. To continue in the area of infrastructure the need for additional police officers during peek traffic times will be significant, calling for the tax payers to contribute to the cost of such services by means of compensations to the officers and lack of staffing to other functions in town.
Lastly, the taxes are a significant issue. The loss of $631,000.00 is devastating. Coupled with the fact that the town will be required to provide services year in and year out while our expense’s increase so will our taxes, yet still no $631,000 + inflation.
At this point in the process we are attempting to ensure that this application is being heard by the proper board. Failure to have the application heard in the proper form does not help either side in this process. The “LAND USE” definition of “Church” is what is being questioned and testimony has been heard, more is to come. This application is in its infancy and suggestions that the town is attempting to “stall” are naive at best and simply meant to incite at worse.
This is the focus of VORT; suggestions of anything other are simply not true.
Originally posted by: Freedom Rider "this portion of town as environmentally sensitive, thereby it is not simply our opinion that it is environmentally sensitive, it is documented fact. This area is predominately “wet lands” and is documented as such in many official documents in the State of NJ"
Anyone who attended the BOE meeting ast Wed. recieved a detailed explaination of the environmental situation at the Agilent site. As I'm not an environmental expert, Ill keep it brief.
There are enviromental problems due to chemical and metal waste that date back decades. Agilent/H/P are responsible for its clean up. That is the documented "fact" to which Lisa refers.
Lisa also misrepresent or exagerates the other issues as well. I'm sure the truth about traffic and taxes will soon be revealed. vORT frauds will be exposed
It is clear you know not of which you speak my confused little man.
I have spoken those in the know regarding the environment. The impact of the PLAN for the additions CC will make to the property are the issues - not the current state of the property.
Yet again - Ted speaks without knowledge - seems to be a trait of yours!
Ted - with you and Myers in town we are WELL SET ON WACK JOBS!