Over the past week or two, there have been a number attempts to bait us into making statements or answering hypthetical questions by "Matthew" and perhaps a few others (although the writing style of the others indicates to me that IMO, they are all "Matthew"). Do not take his bait. He asks questions, but answers none. His goal is to turn the residents of Rockaway Township against each other.
Do not let your focus slip from the application to purchase 140 Green Pond Road; the applicant surely has not their focus slip. Do not get into conversations that are distractions. Do not take the intolerance espoused by Matthew and his ilk as in invitation to give your opinions on Matthew's thoughts....The power of the paid PR firms is mighty. Christ Church has hired such a PR firm. Anything and everything you say will be taken out of context and used against you and against your neighbors. Those like Matthew who post only to inflame will not converse with you. They will merely goad you into making a statement that will later be taken out of context.
In the future, when Matthew and his ilk post their 'hyptheticals', their "so - you think Hitler is getting into heavens", their "Your religion is not getting into heaven as far as I can see" type comments - do not respond, except to point out the fact that they are attempting to bait us.