After we wrestle the current beast back down to the ground where it belongs, I would suggest that we look at all our zoning laws given this experience. As for the definition of Church or House of Worship, I recommend the following:
A Church or House of Worship is an orgainzation which rises up from within the population of RT to meet the spiritual needs of a group of people no greater than 1000 in total number in terms of people count. Its leadership must be RT residents. Also, at least 51 percent of the membership must live within Rockaway Township's borders. Churches and Houses of Worship are subject to all of the zoning laws of Rockaway Township in all regards.
This is just a beginning. Let us not get "blind sided" again.
I agree that we need to review many zoning issues in town. We must gain controll over the massive growth. New laws that are either newly created or on the way will help to protect communities from over development.
RE your definition above - in short I do not think it will pass legal review - but I see your concept.