I do not want to be exposed to the possiblity of expressing myself to "paid shills" of cc. You have allowed a paid shill to share this domain with folks of good will in this town despite the fact that you know that the same entity has precluded honest and uncensored intellectual intercourse from nj.com. Turd Dooty is getting paid by cc to do some bidding for them. He is part of the mechanism that completely precluces open discussion on a PUBLIC fourum by virtue of payoffs.
So, since you are now allowing cc to further express its views here (ireland who is a complete aethist making a living on the feeble minded and poor), I find that your judgement to be quite poor and want to be banned from further discussion here. Enjoy the "Turds" and Irelands discourse. Banning me will remove much pressure from me to have to respond "reasonably" to their completely unreasonable profit driven positions.