You may be right...I can't speak for each individual.
Every town has its bigots and haters, and people who don't know how to explain themselves or converse rationally.
I can tell you that I do believe that for the most part, educated, non-hating people who are doing the scrutinizing and debating the real issues. As you can tell from the majority of posts that had been made on both boards.
Frustrations peak when only one side of the question is allowed to remain, as has been in the past. Then tempers flare, and all bets are off on what is seen here. have the educated reasoners on one hand.And...on the other hand, yes, I have read posts of people who blurt out ugliness. Ugliness that reeks of ignorance, intolerance and hate.
It is embarrassing to see that.
Those are not the people I knowingly associate with, nor are they the ones who's sentiments carry any weight in the matter at hand.
On the flip side....You know what really burns me up??
Perhaps even more than prejudice??
People who look for phrases, twist ideas, and make false accusations of religious and racial bias and hate. Some of those people who may even try to profit from the Church moving here.
But with that, the I remain steadfast in my opinion, that the campus isn't fitted for the area, and it will cause pain for the Rockaway’s residents and the surrounding neighboring town's residents.
Can't speak for anyone but me, so thanks from me to you for your post acknowledging the other type of poster. For my part, I have only posted here in response to those more objectionable statements - they have no place in the debate, and serve only to embarass RT and likely spoil some CC supporters views of RT. That is not what either side wants.
CC is not looking for a "free ride" in RT, ignoring its people, but rather to become part of that community and the surounding communities. Size, scope, traffic etc can all be debated, but the motivations of the Church should not be, no one is looking to take advantage of anyone.