4873. Interesting question by CCompromise, 5/8/05 12:31 ET The cc PR machine continues to tell us over and over again how horrible VORT is and how incompetent VORT is. My question is this; If VORT were so horrible and so incompetent, would they be worth all the effort that cc and their representatives on this forum, both paid and volunteer put forth?
If VORT were such a non-entity, then they'd be ignored by ireland. Well, as we have all seen, that is not happening. The truth must therefore be that cc is scared of VORt and how they have mobilized the citizenship of Rockaway Township into action. In this age where very few volunteer for anything, hundreds of people routinely attend planning board meetings and thousands keep themselves aware of the current situation.
What is also clear is that the more vicious the attacks on VORT become, the more desperate the applicant is getting. The applicant has already been caught by VORT having "two sets of plans" - one for the town and one for the DEP. I would expect the applicant's tactics to get even dirtier as their lawsuit approaches.
...and the saddest part of all is that their tactics all are approved, either directly or tacitly by mister ireland.
So the question again for you cc shills - both paid and unpaid; If VORT is just a bunch of bumbling boobs (I believe Mr. Jones enjoys the name "Inspector Clouseau"), why are you expending SO MUCH energy to counter them?