You can issue a prayer online with Christ Church. I did and this is what I said;
I ask you and the members of Christ Church pray for guidance so that you may see damage you are causing to the community of Rockaway Twp. To threaten an entire community with legal action, to call community members liars and to refuse to address important questions is not in the best interest of the entire community. For those like me, Christians living in Rockaway Twp., we know the teachings of Christ, we know to honor our neighbors, we know to be good stewards of the land. I pray that you see the damage to the land, the water, the roadways, the first aid services, the added burdon you will bring to families, both in time due to traffic and financially. I pray you will find a location for your dreams that is mutually beneficial to your membership and the community you move to. I pray that you and the management of the church see the lies, anger and hate spread in the name of your church and publicly move to seperate yourself from those who 'support' your efforts by means of spreading lies, rumor and anger in the attempt to detract people from the plans. I pray that you will see that the safety of drinking water is your responsibility. I pray that the membership of the church be made aware of the amount of money being spent on PR firms rather than on a search for a location that better fits the community and the church. I pray that you will look into options for redevelopment in areas of NJ that would greatly benefit from such an effort. I pray for peace here and elsewhere in the world. Will you please pray with me?