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RE: activity on

How is this possible that to support Ireland this guy is making all these racial slurs? Another priceless CC supporter.


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Our friend, RTLUVScc has a long history  (back to the beginning of the archives at nj.con - July) of posts attacking Rockaway Township, in particular White Meadow Lake.  He has now 'upped the ante' with his disgusting race baiting.

Is this what ireland supports??????

Mr. Jennings - Here's all the posts from RTLUVScc from  Can we expect to see an article about the attacks on our town sometime soon?

2709 Has VORT found JUST ONE
by RTLUVScc, 7/20/04

complaint from a Montclair official saying that they lowered their quality of life? How many years has CC been in Montclair? And not ONE public complaint? How can that be from a so-called "megachurch"?

3011 I love CC
by RTLUVScc, 10/21/04

RT cannot find ONE legal way to stop this great church which has been a fine neighbor in Montclair. RT has been in decline for 30 years and everybody knows that. Very scary sections like White Meadow, which some have called a ghetto, are allowed to exist. The increasing Dover-like conditions are a concern for all that care about living well.

CC will improve RT, although our leaders have failed us for too long.

3018.1 Vort has never stood for fairness
by RTLUVScc, 10/22/04

Their purpose of existence is to oppose this project using whatever rationale, legal means and quasi-ethical methods it can. They've groped from traffic (which you never hear about anymore. Remember when their "study" was going to doom the project?) to "it's not a church."

It's a sad state of affairs.

3018.2 "Invaders"
by RTLUVScc, 10/22/04

Do you remember the hatred that called these citizens "INVADERS"? I mean, these are citizens of the United States of America that pay taxes and who love our freedom. Now just because many don't live in town, that makes them "invaders." That kind of language appeals to the worst in us. Vort could have inspired better followers.

3018.3.1 The Highlands law is clear
by RTLUVScc, 10/22/04

I don't understand why you have used innuendo and scare tactics from the beginning. You've had so many opportunitites to use a rational discourse, but you haven't How sad.

3045 White Meadow looks BAD
by RTLUVScc, 10/27/04

People need to take pride in their neighborhood. That is such a rundown section of town. How can people live in such filth? It's sad to see people give up on life. This section is lowering the quality of life.

3048 Define "INVADERS"
by RTLUVScc, 10/27/04

I'd like someone to give me their definition of "invaders".

3050.2 Can't fix the problem
by RTLUVScc, 10/28/04

if you don't admit there is one. We all need to come together to find a solution for White Meadow Lake.

3092.1 I have a problem with White Meadow
by RTLUVScc, 11/5/04

It's a horrible place to live and is decaying rapidly. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about juvenille deviant behavior being common place in that area. Yikes!

But there are a lot of people in denial on this forum and they don't ever want to say anything about White Meadow. Shame on them.

3105 CC's Strategy is CLEAR
by RTLUVScc, 11/19/04

They are just ccvering all the bases so that they can win in court.

With the multple ethics violations that have occurred with VORT reps and official, so-called, unbiased town representatives, this should be a slam dunk.

It doesn't look for the RT crew.

3133 CC is planning well
by RTLUVScc, 11/23/04

They are covering all their bases to win in court. It looks like a slam dunk win to me, especially with all of the VORT and elected officials having committed multiple ethics violations.

I can't wait for the board to reject it so CC can win this in court.

Thank God that there is fairness for all Americans no matter who they are and where they are from. That's what makes this country great.

3265 CC is doing well
by RTLUVScc, 12/7/04

Since CC is complying with all of the laws, there's no legal reason to reject them. I'm proud that Dr. Ireland has had the courage to stand up to the barrage from special interest groups. I mean, we all know the planning board is going to reject this plan because of irrational local pressure but this is a slam dunk case in court. Once a judge hears that some segments of the population was so deperate that they tried to not even call it a church, this case will be over.

I still have never heard of one single church "ruining" a community. Have you?

3268.1 Fact
by RTLUVScc, 12/7/04

Dr. Ireland has been at every meeting. You can ask him any question related to this project. He has given you open access to question him. He has dealt with many rude citizens. He believes that America is home of the free and the land of the brave.

3285.1 Give me a break
by RTLUVScc, 12/7/04

Anger is all that some segments of the population have been peddling. There's been little rational discussion. In the end, we all know that this will end in court. There have been far too many ethical and legal violations for CC to not win at this point. I thank God that we live in America, where people can be free from religious persecution.

Please remember that Schundler supports CC. Rockaway voted for Schundler. Ergo, Rockway should support CC.

3294.1 I agree
by RTLUVScc, 12/8/04

I love the fact that most are for this project but that some segments of the population are against it. I believe that America is still the home of the brave and people are treating Dr. Ireland worse that Osama.

Schundler is in full support of CC. Rockaway voted for CC. Therefore, Rockaway is for CC. We all know that.

Go to the » Rockaway forum

3361.2 Agreed!

by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

I keep asking some simple questions..for example, can you name a town that was "ruined" by a church?

Also, after nearly two years of harrassing Dr. Ireland, they still can't find one person in Montclair that has said anyting bad about the CC.

Dr. Ireland is not one of these overly agressively basketball players attacking patrons in the third row. He's not on welfare begging always asking for a handout. In fact, the only people whining are from the township. He's not rapping and he doesn't wear his pants down by his knees. Nope, that's not Dr. Ireland. He went to a good Christian university - Liberty, where he received his Ph.D. That's why we all like him.

Even the heart of New Jersey conservativism, Brett Schundler (who won Rockaway in 2001), supports Dr. Ireland.

We all know that education is important. And we all know that the more education you have, the better you are to adapt and succeed. Finally, we all know that there are few that are more educated in Rockaway when compared to Dr. Ireland.

3361.2.1.2 He has Family Values
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

Everyone knows that Dr. Ireland supports family values. He's even gone to Trenton to support that kind of stuff. You won't find Dr. Ireland on Monday Night Football commercials with a naked woman that isn't his wife. His education makes him better than that. At least, we can agree on that, can't we?

3361. Dr. Ireland LOVES Morris County
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

He even lives in Morris County -- in a town that is richer than Rockaway. In his town, you won't find a White Meadow-like section. No you won't. It's clear that he loves Morris County.

Dr. Ireland has complied with the law. He comes from a very conservative university - Liberty. That university is run by Rev. Faldwell. His university is inspiring a spiritual revolution across this country. Faldwell supports the Party of God. We all know that.

And like I said -- his name is Dr. Ireland and not some rapper like Dr. Dre. And you won't see him having some crazy hairdo protesting in the streets about the police like Slim Shady Sharpton.

3361. I have NEVER mentioned race
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

so I don't know what you're talking about. All I'm talking about are facts. The fact are, that Dr. Ireland doesn't attack patrons in the 3rd row. The fact are that Dr. Ireland isn't rapping. The facts is, is that he is not on welfare and whining about police brutality and protesting in the street. Those facts are undisputed.

Dr. Ireland is a great American. He pays his taxes and salutes the flag. In fact, he even has a flag on the back of his car. And we all know that he graduated from Liberty University, which is a strong voice for conservatism in this country.

3362.1.1 Race is NEVER mentioned
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

I think the only person obsesessed with race is you. Why do you always want to bring up the race issue? Judge people by the content of their character like Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice and Colin Powell and not Colin Ferguson.

Show me where I even mention race??? You are distorting this message.

3362. but you agree
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

that I am talking about Family Values. It's clear that Dr. Ireland cares.

3361. First facility found was in RT
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

He believes in RT and he wants to improve RT's image. He wants people to know that RT is more than the White Meadow section. A lot people only think that that is the whole town. I keep trying to tell them that there are many beautiful people in Rockaway.

Dr. Ireland's education should be applauded. In an era when so many people are on welfare or selling drugs on the corner, he's not. He's been a leader for Family Values.

My two questions have never been disputed. No one can name one town that has been ruined by a church.

3362. Threats???
by RTLUVScc, 12/10/04

Is that what you call sending a letter to the council that tried to say a church wasn't a church?


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RE: activity on

...and as he realizes he's stepped WAY over the line...all the msgs are removed from

...but they are preserved here - copy-and-paste directly from


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Great job Gadfly! Of course it is all cleaned up now, any Rockaway supporter will now have to create a new user id in order to counter the next round of vicious lies and race baiting. Talk about a story - there must be a newspaper in NJ willing to expose what is really going on behind the scenes of CC's campaign against Rockaway Township. We have the posted proof to get the story started - all they would have to do is moniter the nj.con site for a few days to see the pattern.


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I had no idea that some of my good friends in this township lived in a Ghetto.  I guess I needed Ireland's clan to educate me.  Thanks for the enlightenment, King Doctor Reverend David Ireland, PHD, Wonder of the Universe!


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We would have to PAY the newspapers to cover this story from an objective perspective.  We are not willing to do that and so forget about it.  Money makes the world go 'round.

-- Edited by Rational at 13:48, 2004-12-10


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I find it VERY interesting that after the massive postings this afternoon by cc supporters that went WAY 'over the line', they are pretty quiet tonight.

Did someone get slapped after all those posts had to be deleted?

Could nj.con have possibly blocked someone?

If so, I'm sure it's just a temporary thing, but it's interesting the the nightly barrage of shit hasn't happened tonight.


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Quoting TRLUVcc who is a CC supporter:

"Very scary sections like White Meadow, which some have called a ghetto, are allowed to exist."

Since White Meadow Lake is widely known to be largely a Jewish community, this statement is clearly antisemetic.  An apology to the folks who live in that section of town is in order from CC if they have one ounce of decency. 

-- Edited by Rational at 22:17, 2004-12-10


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Originally posted by: Rational

"Quoting TRLUVcc who is a CC supporter: "Very scary sections like White Meadow, which some have called a ghetto, are allowed to exist." Since White Meadow Lake is widely known to be largely a Jewish community, this statement is clearly antisemetic.  An apology to the folks who live in that section of town is in order from CC if they have one ounce of decency. -- Edited by Rational at 22:17, 2004-12-10"

More than an apology is in order...A front page article from Mr. Jennings is in order....The above comments have been brought up before as being hurtful and anti-semetic, yet cc supporters AGAIN call White Meadow Lake a ghetto.

Think back 9 to 12 months ago, when we had mr5reasons calling it White Meadow Ghetto.

How about it Whinerock (rock, stone, whatever...) - Where's our apology for the obvious anti-semetic remark made in ireland's name?

How about it Mr. Jennings - where's our 'equal time' article about the anti-semites at cc.

Let me also remind you of the comments that were made today talking about ireland and Jerry Falwell.  Falwell has also made anti-semitetic remarks (the Rev. Jerry Falwell said the Antichrist is probably alive today and is a male Jew)....And how about the talk of the "Party of God"?  I suggest you google that phrase...Was that the intent of this cc supporter???  To bring up MORE anti-semetic items (For those too lazy to google, Hizbullah is 'Party of God')???

I'm looking forward to reading an in-depth study of the FACTS by Mr. Jennings of the Daily Record (not).


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As a Christian, I am quite offended bt CC's ongoing support of racist bias support - I am offended as an American, as a Rockaway Township resident and taxpayer, and as an American who's Grandfathers served in WWII to protect peoples refer to a section of our town as a "Ghetto" is repugnant and ignorant of our great town!! I demand equall press coverage Jennings!! Do a search on the WWII definition of " Ghettos" and you will have your slam dunk story...

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Many Jews in ghettos across eastern Europe tried to organize resistance against the Germans and to arm themselves with smuggled and homemade weapons. Between 1941 and 1943, underground resistance movements formed in about 100 Jewish groups. The most famous attempt by Jews to resist the Germans in armed fighting occurred in the Warsaw ghetto.


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p.s. - Viva le' resistance...


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Very interesting 'sample' fo what goes on on OTHER forums.

The following message is from the Dover forum - While all the Rockaway messages were deleted, this message and others like it were allowed to remain:

by EyeOnDover, 12/10/04 23:22 ET

Its time for all ilegals to go home. I am sick and tired of these scumbags leaching off the rest of us. Its time congress installs the rest of the fence with Mexico, its time to cut off federal aid to North Carolina who gives there pieces of shitt driver licenses, its time to get the illegals scum's children oout of our schools, its time to cut out health care for the illegal - let them die or go back to Mexicao for health car. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Time for Javi and Co to shut down the day laborer meeting plance on Dickerson Street. Lets make theses illegals want to go back "to their country". Let them go home and beat their wife, drink their cerveza and piss all over the streets fo Tijuana. JUAN GO HOME TAKE JUANITA and the NINOS and NINAS with you you are not welcome in our community. HASTA LA VISTA ILLEGALMENTES!

-- Edited by GadFly at 08:18, 2004-12-11


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History of attacks and hate.  Thank you for posting all of those lies, angry and hate that those who support the CC project have posted. 


Tell me what is a problem with a funny picture of Santa on a Cross that said "Santa did not die for my sins" yet an outragous statement for the man who Ireland follows, Jerry Falwell,  who has stated that "the antichrist is a male Jew" - is not a serious matter for urgent press.  What about all of the angry bitter postings against the good people of RT? 


Mr. Jennings be a real reporter and take on the challange of finding out why CC will not denounce this hate and anger being spread in there name.  Oh WHINER, How can you represent a man with such views toward the Jewish community? 


Protect our waters, we all live downstream

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Did someone get spanked over the weekend (because of posts at nj.con)???

The entire weekend is gone and nobody posted last night.

Could it be that a line WAS stepped over (lies and race / religion baiting) and bosses took action???

I doubt it...The bosses in question have unfortunately shown themselves to be an unscroupulous lot - very, VERY unfortunate, considering their background....

Only time will tell....

12/20 - only a week away!

-- Edited by GadFly at 08:47, 2004-12-13


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7 complaints, 2 warnings, 2 fines

For more info, google for docket C38-02, C25-03, C38-02, C40-02

This guy never gives up does he (info from nj.con):

School ethics commission report said:

"complaint was filed solely to harass and cause malicious injury"

"it appears that the allegations were made in bad faith for the purpose of harassment or malicious injury"

"Complainant, who is familiar with the provisions set forth at N.J.S.A. 18A:12-21 et. seq., the School Ethics Act, as shown by his many complaints filed with the Commission in the past, should have known that this complaint was filed without any reasonable basis in law. Complainant has filed seven complaints with the School Ethics Commission and is familiar with the provisions of the School Ethics Act and its procedures. He has beenfined previously for filing a frivolous complaint in Doty v. Friedberger, Puzio, Hodes,Giarratano, Smith, Salny and Parciak, Rockaway Township Board of Education, SEC Dkt. No. C22-03, decided August 26, 2003, where the Commission determined that the complaint was filed solely to harass and cause malicious injury to Respondents and had no reasonable basis in law. Prior to the Commission’s finding and issuance of that fine, Complainant had been warned in two prior decisions, Doty v. Friedberger, Giarratano & Salny, Rockaway Township Board of Education, SEC Dkt. No. C38-02, decided January 28, 2003, and in Doty v.Giarratano, Puzio & Hodes, Rockaway Township Board ofEducation, SEC Docket No. C40-02, decided January 28, 2003, that if he continued to file complaints with no merit he would be sanctioned by this Commission. Consequently, after consideration of the facts and circumstances surrounding this complaint, the Commission hereby imposes a fine of $250.00 against Respondent for the filing of a frivolous complaint in this matter."


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RE: activity on

What a great quote from the School Ethics Commission: "The Commission should not, however, be used as a vehicle to make groundless accusations simply to stir up controversy as was done in this instance"

Why would someone want to "stir up contoversy", LOL????

3394. Untitled
by INSlGHT, 12/17/04 0:17 ET
Ethics issues???? by meatmop, 12/17/04

C38-02 (

"...the Commission cautions complainant that any further complaints he files with the Commission will be given greater scrutiny and therefore, he should present more solid evidence..."

C40-02 (

"...THE Commission cautions Mr. Doty that the next complaint he files with the Commission may meet one of the standards in light of the Commission's prior decisions on the complaints he has filed."


"...the Commission finds the complaint to be a fine in the amount of $250.00"

"The Commission should not, however, be used as a vehicle to make groundless accusations simply to stir up controversy as was done in this instance."

C25-03 (

"...the Commission hereby imposes a fine of $250.00 against Respondent for filing of a frivilous compmlaint in this matter."

-- Edited by GadFly at 12:56, 2004-12-17

-- Edited by GadFly at 12:57, 2004-12-17


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It's funny -  I clicked on the web addresses and they all came back with  ERROR - page does not exist......

What do you think?


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hey kim, when you click and get the error, look at your address bar and delete the parenthesis at the end. that should do the trick, looks like it was included in the link inadvertantly.


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Sorry about that.

The links should be fixed now.


      Da Fly


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thanks, got it


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All the posts at nj.con are gone...Poof.

Some people give us GADFLYS a bad name....sheesh!



...and of course...not article from Mr. Jennings.

Hey Mr. Jennings - do ya think we are being baited in attempt to get someone SO ANGRY, they write something against ireland so your PR buddies can give you a call for a front page article???

Why no article about the CRAP we are seeing on nj.con and how answers are removed:

All posts from "Watersupply:"

From post 2941:

"Now we will really get to see if this is Rockaway 2004 or Little Rock 1964...

But again, Rockaway is long past its prime. The houses in the White Meadow section are pretty run down and new homes sales have been lagging severly compared to surrounding communities.

The Dover-like conditions are spreading through Rockaway pretty quickly. "


Quote from Watersupply - post 2958:

"It's sad that the town that has increasingly Dover-like conditions is pretending that it is Little Rock 1964.

When I drive through the White Meadow section, I feel sad for the inhabitants. Don't you? "

From 3398.3

"you know, the largest and blackest church that they could find in Sayreville hasn't "ruined" Sayreville....

Look, posting on this subject is pointless...

After all, is this Little Rock 1964? Or Little Rockaway 2004? Is there even a difference? "



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How long until they hit the delete button on this one:


3417. Proud cc supporter
by JustFactsCC, 12/18/04 19:54 ET
Church invites people to ask questions by RThome, 12/18/04

I suppose mr ireland is proud of the man who sent out a flyer for him that our former mayor Inglesino said "lacked credibility" (Daily Record 6/13) because he admitted he had "written newspaper letters critical of Inglesino under a false name." (Imagine that!)

The same person also filed seven complaints against our school board and was warned twice and then fined twice by the school ethics committee? The ethics committee said "it appears that the allegations were made in bad faith for the purpose of harassment or malicious injury"

Gee - imagine that! Another proud supporter of cc's application!

Proud of your supporter mr. ireland???

Hey - I guess you can't help who agrees with you...It only proves there are individuals who make inane statements everywhere.


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Some humor

3429.1. agilent
by RThome, 12/19/04 20:01 ET
The topic is... by KeithMoon2, 12/19/04

You need to inform yourself. The church will have a smaller footprint compared to the last thing there. This is mostly sundays with a childrens school during the week.


3429.1.1. let me get this straight...
by JustFactsCC, 12/19/04 20:09 ET
The topic is... by KeithMoon2, 12/19/04

During the week, there will be 500 students there - dropped off (parents coming up and down GPR in the morning) school staff (about 75 or so) normal church staff (let's guess about 30) janitorial staff (10 or so) anything else going on during the day (let's say 50 average - how many will IMPACT bring, how many tv/radio types, food service types, etc.. - could be more).

That's just during the day...There will also be evening activites...but we won't count those.

Agilent had about 800 people working in shifts...Not only that, they drove to work and parents will drive there, drop off, and leave - doubling the effective traffic (albeit in a different direction)...

Looks to me like during the week, we'll see similar traffic to what Agilent had and on Sunday...well..forget about it. I don't even want to THINK about special event days...Wow - those could be days of killer gridlock!

I can't wait until the FACTS come out at a planning board meeting...All this meaningless speculation about how cc is Sunday only...the REAL numbers will come out soon enough...Come to the planning board meeting (no matter which side you are on) and find out for yourselves.

3429.1.1.1. fact
by RThome, 12/19/04 20:13 ET
The topic is... by KeithMoon2, 12/19/04

the police feel it is important to give Rev Ireland a escort because of all the anger a few people at the meetings have shown. I am glad the planning board has told the few people against this because of the churches faith to relax. I hope you can

3429. OK - so I counted wrong
by JustFactsCC, 12/19/04 20:17 ET
The topic is... by KeithMoon2, 12/19/04

Sorry folks - have to add in the police escort to the number of cars being driven to 140 GPR each day.

LOL - you're typing so fast you're attacking the wrong thread...that's OK - we understand how emotional you get hating a town.



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Very interesting

There were a LOT of good conversations last night on - with many lies told by ireland supporters and the lies were shown to be false...Lots of good, solid quotes from the newspapers to back up the facts for the side of the application opposers....

At about 12:40PM this afternoon, just about EVERYTHING was removed...except the notes that were critical of ireland for giving gifts - those stayed....interesting...someone's lame attempt (again) at making our township look bad - all we talk about is not wanting gifts....

Happy holidays to you too mr Whinestein

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