Another item of interest from the meeting was that the county, who controls GP Rd, has already told CC that another traffic lite would be reqd. at the entrance to the site. CC agreed to pay for it and for its maintainance. I guess that's a good thing in that the taxpayers wont have to pay for it, but its also a bad thing in that it will be another traffic lite to contend with on GP Rd. which will be an addnl inconvenience. It does, however, underscore the fact that the county sees a potential traffic problem there. Further, the county told them that they should have a right turn lane from GP Rd. N into the site to reduce backups. In addition the towns ordinances require trees along the road frontage. And CC's answer...They found out that the town actually owns an old railroad right of way easement along the road in front of the property, so CC says they dont actually have any road frontage so arent responsible for planting the trees. It would also have to be the town that permits the right turn lane. They didnt go so far as to say that the town would have to pay for it though. (although I'm sure they were thinking that). These bastards (and I use that term with all the respect due) are thumbing their noses at every regulation and requirement and at the entire town that they keep saying they are here to support and become part of.
Given this mans interest in nicely trying to integrate himself into RT (stated with tongue in cheek), I wonder how many police officers he is going to request to attend his sunday services to assure his safety when he has five of them assigned for a simple town meeting?