Two excellent articles on the front page of the August 30th edition of the neighborhood news. I must commend both writers for seeing through the baloney and the politics and getting to the heart of the matter. I don't want to give out too much here, as you never know who might be reading this from "out of state" . Read the articles and see if you agree with my opinion.
cool your jets rat - while you have been bellyaching the last few years, others have been working hard to ensure the future of Rockaway Township is guided in a direction that benefits all the hardworking taxpayers here. Perhaps it's time to get away from your keyboard, roll up your sleeves, and do something productive for our community. Just a thought.
p.s. - I defended you and your positions from very early on if you do not recall - all bets are off now sir.
My position is clear. Take the property by Eminent Domain and pay ireland about 5 million for it, else risk the devaluation of around 3 billion bucks in RT real estate.
Some of you guys love playing Russian Roulette with crazy theories on how to win this one through hard work, prayers, bubble gum and spit.
Fact is that ED, under the Kelo decision TRUMPS the RLUIPA argument that ireland will put forth. If ED is invoked, ireland looses.
If you do not trust me on that, please ask a land use attorney. He or she will tell you that ED is the ONLY solution to this problem.
But, John Q, I am certain that you know better than the lawyers who have advised us. Just keep a chasin' those rainbows buddy.
If you were really so well informed, then you would have spoken with a few land use attorneys (as we have done) and you would have known the truth contained in my posting.
ED based on Kelo is the only solution that will ultimately work.
Call an expert in the field and learn something instead of engaging in personal conjecture.