This in the Ledger this week. All 3 traffic management options are flawed.
1.Putting one traffic light at Green Pond and Meriden roads and another at the proposed building's Meriden Road exit. (3 lights around 140 GPR, no good. How many will the residents coming up meridan towards rt 80 catch, all 3?. We will have to leave an hour earlier to get to our HOW's on Sundays, not to mention all the venues they will have during weeknights when we are taking our children to and from sports and other activites. Then there's the issue of blocking patrons access to businesses across the street)
2.Putting a light at what would be the Green Pond Road entrance. (Does this mean closing Meridan to departing traffic and forcing a thousand cars through one light down a single lane road after the shows)
3.Having no light installed and instead relying on a police officer, hired by the church, to direct traffic until the situation can be resolved. (Yeah Right!, give approval and hope you can figure it out later. Then it's too late and the good peope of RT are stuck with a traffic nightmare)
The only way to manage the influx of traffic is to build a tunnel directly to rt 80, and we know that won't happen. But the idea is not as stupid as number 3 above.
This Mega-plan should be denied on traffic impact alone. That is unless the DEP shuts it down first.
Which brings up a question I've been meaning to ask. I had read that RT owns the land from GPR in toward the bridge at 140. If this is true, then there will be no right lane turn off for cc. This alone would make traffic impossible coming north on GPR. If you have 1000 cars having to stop to make a right turn, then traffic would be at a standstill most of the day going north. This too should validate denial to the application.