RT will be suffering the following stresses when cc comes to town:
1. Depleted Tax Revenue 2. Major Strain on the Infrastructure 3. Major Strain on the Environment
The following benefits exist for RT from cc's presence:
1. None 2. None 3. None
The reason for 1, 2, and 3 is that there are no members in irelands folly from RT.
So, as long as we are going to stress the heck out of everything, why not benefit from the mess?
Lets do the following:
1. Find an Indian Tribe and sign a contract for them to construct a Casino on the property in question. 2. RT's obligation to the tribe will be to obtain the proberty by ED and will charge the tribe a nominal fee for same. 3. The tribe will be required to pay 1 Meg per year in property taxes on same 4. The tribe will be required to share 10 percent of the gross profits of the Casino business with RT.
Keep in mind that Indian Tribes, like churches, enjoy very special privledges under Federal law.
Who knows - - - RT's property taxes may even go down! Imagine that?
Say goodbye, ireland! Been nice knowing ya, buddy.