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I just wanted to thank you for providing this message board. I know at times it has caused a bit of 'drama', let’s hope those days are long over. There are many important discussions that are needed in regards to the application for the redevelopment of 140 Green Pond Rd and the proposed Quik Chek on Green Pond Rd. (former Bennies Hot Dog Stand). We have a new year with a several new council members and much work ahead of us as residents of Rockaway Twp. I hope the new year brings positive change and when neighbors work together good things can happen!
Take care and thanks again! Lisa
The truth wins out over slick PR and personal attacks.
The Christ Church Plan for the redevelopment of 140 Green Pond Rd is just too big for the area.
Thanks from me also. I find this message board useful in keeping abreast of the 140 GPR saga and in exchanging thoughts concerning this matter. Reading the papers and attending the PB meetings alone leave many information gaps that this forum helps to fill. Your time and efforts are very much appreciated.