If the discussion is to be "acoustical impact on the environment" my prediction is very easy to anticipate.
The expert will declare that there will be no deleterious effect on the neighbors surrounding the cc property. Done!
Questions that will go unanswered because of the lack of an RT expert to counter cc are, but not limited to the following:
1. What is the anticipated power spectral density inside the hall? 2. How was that calculated? 3. What is the total amplified power output (in Kilowatts) anticipated to be available into the speaker system and how are the frequencies divided (wideband, bi-amped, tri-amped)? What are the breakpoint frequencies of the frequency crossover networks and how is the total power amplification divided between these frequency bins? 4. What is the acoustical conversion efficiency of the drivers used in the sound system as a function of frequency? 5. What is the absorbance co-efficients of the building materials as a function of frequency? 6. What is the prime resonance of the hall? What is the worst case "Q" of the hall? 7. What ANSI standards are being used to calculate the low frequency propogation effect on the neighbors of cc? 8. What SPL weighting is anticipated in the caluclations? A-weighting, B-weighting or other? 9. What inverse power relationship is being used to anticipate propogation effects and how was that relationship established? What geometrical dispersion pattern is anticipated based on the topography of the landscape? What does the polar plot of SPL vs polar co-ordinate look like on a theoretical basis? What software program was used to anticipated that distribution? 10. What influence paramaters have been taken into account such as air density changes due to temperature and humidity? How were they accounted for in the propagation model? In other words, at what temp and humidity levels were the anticipatedl SPL levels calculated and at what distance from the source and at what fundatmental. frequencies?
Etc, etc. etc.
Since RT has no expert, these issues will not be explored. Their expert will just say, in effect, everything is ok and nobody will ever know the difference. Trust me that he will ask you to trust him, and you will have nothing to say about that except that you will have to, by law, accept his testimony as factual and accurate.
It will have been just another inept method of handling of the cc situation by RT.