That thinker is not me! I guess we all know who wrote that. Of course, since it's not factual. The plans that were submitted by cc to the DEP were different than those submitted to RT and that was before RT changed the zoning. Did they forget that? Like they forget all the other inconsistencies that cc has presented. I am so sick of cc calling in the "troops" to help them. The press has only presented one side. How many meetings was cc unprepared? How many times did the rev say he has no growth projections? We are getting shafted. Don't we as residents who support the town have any rights? Isn't this reverse discrimination?
Yes, this is reverse discrimination. But in case you did not know, reverse discrimination is legal in the United States of America. Where have you been? Its practice has been upheld many a time by the US Supreme Court. It is astounding just how uninformed some people are.
Good job Russ -create a place where ALL people can come and chat....but only those that you approve of can be registered!
Hey folks - it's his sandbox. Leave him in there with the cats....
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And it's astounding how some people just cower and let themselves be all walked over. If you give in to bullies, there's no way change can be achieved. But it's easier that way, isn't it rat? And maybe safer. Good thing the rest of RT isn't spineless.
I do not gamble in Atlantic City and I am not stupid enough to gamble with our most expensive asset against completely overwhelming odds. Apparently, you are willing to gamble, and I must thank you for that.
BTW - it has nothing to do with bravado. It has more to do with analysis, logic and intelligence.
"And on another note, I wonder if the DOJ is looking into the non-profit, tax exempt status of the group of white folks that formed exclusively to deny one predominantly black church from moving into a section of town close to their house?"
how laughable is it that tED and rUSS continue the back and forth dog and pony act on nj.con, and now on the "dog and pony" message board. I hope the DOJ looks into the money cRasH took from the rev for that mass propaganda mailing, and for generally being an *sshole. Perhaps the rev should not be making public statements through his pr about our local elections - rev's are not allowed to do this and remain tax exempt.
p.s. - since I know yoU two read this site everyday - go *uck yourselves tED and rUSS...