Quoting Dicker regarding the CC plan to move offices into RT:
"There's virtually no site issues - - - they're just changing the sign."
- - - "It should be very perfunctory"
So, folks, are you going to let christ church post a religious sign on RT property? No discussion about that?
I predict the answer to this question -
No questions will be asked. Nobody will object to CC using Towship property to advertise their wares.
In short, RT will strike out again. Ireland will use RT property as HE sees fit.
It really gets embarassing to say that we live here at this point. What a whimpy planning board! And all the RT citizens are just going , yeah, so what - - - big deal.
according to the rag, we will not be allowed to comment at the next meeting - what the hell is that?? Do we live in a Democracy?? If cC presents a new plan for office workers to get a C.O. including a sign on our community property, then we sure as hell should be allowed to comment. Lisa - can Vorts Lawyer bring up an objection to this use of our property?? Talk about rubbing our noses in it...
Ireland is in the Catbird seat, as always. Now, he will put his sign of religious advocacy on RT property (an act which is very offensive to this particular Jew. - - - I am thinking of planting a very large Menorah right next to it).
Next, when he builds his church, he will insist that RT convert that strip of RT property into a turnoff for his church traffic. His theory shall be that it will be for the greater public good to do so, and thus it will be done.