Don't bother dealing with this infamous gadfly who prowls and other message boards. As an ever present internet "troll," Mr. Doty delights in starting arguments and sowing discord. He rarely offers any facts, other times he offers his opinions presented as facts. He's mostly just a big BS artist looking for attention anyway he can get it.
Troll Doty sees internet message boards as an additional venue for his bizarre games. He is utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with him. He creates his own rules for any exchange and thinks everyone must follow his silly reasoning. He feels no shame or compassion; you cannot reason with him as he has no common sense. Doty has no concept of the truth, courtesy or social responsibility.
It is futile to try to "cure" the pathetic Mr. Doty of his obsession. He's hard to ignore, but it's the best way to handle such an egomaniac nutcase. Remember - trolls like him are disturbed people. Feel sorry for them, but don't feed them!