I have 2 thoughts on this fella. He is either a savy hired gun toying with us or.... He may be a store owner and has many young kids working with him. Kids love to start trouble with the right push and they could all be watching the board 24/7 for him when he is not around.That would explain why he seems to be around all the time. Could the girls friends or boyfriends be working at nj.com? If he is a hired gun no way to stop him. If he is a store owner and has kids doing his bidding then all we have to do is out him.I am sure all these kids parents would not be pleased with their kids being part of this. The trouble is I recall todd saying months ago he supports vort when people ask him and pretends to be with them then retire to his key board to take cheap shots. He has some pull at nj.com I was fighting with him last week and he posted he had enough of my anger. I post did that mean he was leaving? He post back no but I was, when I tried to post back I was banned. He knew ahead of time so he knows someone.