4363. Here's what would happen by rockboy2, 4/21/05 8:25 ET The mayor would enlist Ms. Salberg to start an advocacy group called VFW (Voices for Walmart) or VFI (Voices for Ikea) and roll out a propaganda campaign saying how the town would benefit from these big-box stores, such as increased tax ratables which would reduce property taxes. People like you would swallow this whole, and then start championing the cause of a certain big-box store. That's because you cannot possibly think independently and base your position on information derived from a government-sanctioned front group like VORT.
4363.1. Yes, and then by RTforever, 4/21/05 8:36 ET Re: Here's what would happenby rockboy2, 4/21/05 And then Governor Cody shows up and says "Lou I am you father"....and then the Roman Geberal calls out "WHO IS VORTICUS", and before the VORT members stand up, all the residents of Rockaway stnad up and proclaim "I AM VORTICUS, I AM VORTICUS".
After that Whiney gathers his minions of Doom in a secret location..and calls the UN for a ransom of "ONE MILLION DOLLARS" holding his pinky to the corner of his mouth...oh look theres minnieRuss. "C'mon throw me bone here, I can't fight this this with fact, so I will fight it with eeeeviiiillllllll!!!!!! Muwahahahahaha!