Perhaps this person took a lesson from someone we know?
Kids! Accept Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior and Get a Free PlayStation 2!
2. Find one of your Mom or Dad's credit cards (a blank check is even better!)
3. Call our church office and we will provide you with simple instructions on how to use your parents' credit card to charge a love offering over the phone. Don't worry if you can't find a credit card. We can teach you how to use one of your daddy's checks to do an automatic draft withdrawal (which will get you free shipping and an extra game disk!)
Mark - I'm sure your posting, while rather humerous, will be found to be insulting to cc in some way.
Gee - and I wanted my free PS2!
This message is posted to the "All Opinions are Welcome, but Sorry no Instigators" Internet Forum. Reproduction of this post on any other website is expressly forbidden without prior permission of the author.
"Mark - I'm sure your posting, while rather humorous, will be found to be insulting to cc in some way."
Jay, I hear ya...I thought about entering the post twice. The thing is, that the text and illustration contained in the post, I stumbled across while trying to purchase a playstation, in a store that wasn't sold out...seriously! And I clicked on a link and saw that site. I saw the absurdity, and felt a parallel to some of the farce we are faced with, as far as the scope of the publishing, video and other "non-business", businesses that Ireland is proposing to run out of the facility on Green pond road.
I have several thoughts.... 1-If there is something that CC doesn't like about the post, then perhaps they should contact the Landover website and ask them to delete the website....perhaps it hits too close to home???
2-The people I know who are against to CC'c campus on 140 Greenpond Rd, have no axe to grind about religion or the congregation members...yet CC keeps stating in the press and the media that those against the mega-church are prejudice and bigoted.
3- I didn't make the site or create any content like that, I was merely acting as a reporter.
I do not see a problem here. The post seems to be completely consistent with Irelands interpretation of Christian Values as lived by Ireland and CC. It would be very hard for him to deny that one. Just look at his record.
The problem that I have with the site is that I found it too late for Chanukah!!! My kids want their free PS2, but they'll NEVER get it by day 8. Oh well - Happy Chanukah Rockaway Township (even you Craig)!!!
Disclaimer: Note to the cc PR machine: Dear Mr. Whinestone (Did I spell it right??? Why not join us by posting here so I can learn to spell it correctly). My Chanukah greetings to my fellow Rockaway Township residents is in no way meant to be an attack on Christianity in general or the religion of cc members in particular. You see, I am Jewish and merely wish to extend the celebration of my holiday to my fellow Rockaway Township residents (I also look forward to their celebration of Christmas). Maybe under different circumstances, I'd even offer you some latkes and applesauce, but since you and your bosses continue to remain silent while lies are being told in your name on the nj.con message board, there will be no latkes for you - at least not at my house.
naughty or nice? - no latkes for Mr. Whinestone
Note to the good members of cc: May there be peace in the world on this holiday season and may you understand that Rockaway Township has no hard feelings towards you. We didn't ask to "do battle" with you. We have nothing against you. We merely find the planned use of 140 GPR to be way too intense for our township. Please ask questions of those in charge at christ church. Find out where your money is going. Find out how much of your hard earned contributions are being spent on expensive PR firms. Ask about the million square feet of soil that is planned to be removed for the underground parking garage and find out why mr ireland refuses to call it an underground parking garage! Find out why your leaders do not denounce the multitude of lies being told in their names on the nj.con message board. Speak up and be heard. You have a chance to do the right thing. If you remain silent, you also will become party to the lies told in the name of christ church (it's really shameful). Don't allow the lies told at nj.con to ruin your good name.
This message is posted to the "All Opinions are Welcome, but Sorry no Instigators" Internet Forum. Reproduction of this post on any other website is expressly forbidden without prior permission of the author.
"Oh well - Happy Chanukah Rockaway Township (even you Craig)!!!"
Craig will be back from his trip later today. I will pass it on to him. I am sure that he would be offering Happy Chanukah Greeetings to his Jewish friends here as well. I would like to take this chance to offer my own Seasons Greettings to all of the Jewish folks here in town. May this holiday bring light into your lives and the lives of others.
OK, I'm a Christian person (although not QUITE as practicing as I should be...) and I poked around that site. There's some pretty clever stuff there.
And Rational, we're not gonna take the religion bait--for crying out loud, you're becoming an instigating troll as bad as doty, stop it, before I do indeed do what I said I'd do!
There's no connection between that site and Christ Church's beliefs, and no one is truly trying to imply one, good grief!
If a person wanted to find something offensive, he can find it anywhere.
"And Rational, we're not gonna take the religion bait--for crying out loud, you're becoming an instigating troll as bad as doty, stop it, before I do indeed do what I said I'd do!"